Road Transport Year Book (RTYB)
The Road Transport Year Book (RTYB) of India is a premier publication which is brought out every year by Transport Research Wing of the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. It intends to present the comprehensive and analytical information in an overarching framework covering different facets of road transport sector. It provides detailed data/ information on category-wise registered motor vehicle population and motor vehicle taxation structure in various States / Union Territories (UTs) in the country. RTYB is the repository of data on registered motor vehicle of India which is of great importance for policy formulation and investment decisions. It fulfills three-fold objectives of carrying out relevant analysis, assisting in decision making process and plotting the future development of mobility.
The first issue of RTYB was brought out in 2005. The latest publication of ‘Road Transport Yearbook, 2007-09’ is the fourth issue in the series. There were about 115 million registered motor vehicles in India as on 31st March 2009. Out of this, the percentage share of two-wheelers; cars, jeeps and taxis; good vehicles and buses were about 72%, 13.3%, 5.5% and 1.3%, respectively. The total registered vehicles in the country grew at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 9.8% between 1991 and 2009. Personalized mode of transport, namely two-wheelers and cars, has become dominant over other modes of transport, which is clear from the fact that two wheelers and cars grew at a CAGR of 10.3% and 9.6%, respectively, which was higher compared to growth in buses (8.7%) and goods vehicles (8.7%). The higher growth in personalized motor vehicles reflects the rising trend of disposable income and availability and easy access to auto finance in the backdrop of rising per capita incomes.
The state-wise distribution of registered vehicle population indicates that Maharashtra accounted for the largest share (14,450,908) of the registered motor vehicle in the country as on March 2009. Among all States, Sikkim reported the lowest number (28,551) of total registered motor vehicles. Amongst the metropolitan cites, Delhi had the largest (6,302,167) vehicle population whereas Kochi reported the lowest number (303,436).