Repeat House Rent Survey
Repeat house rent survey (RHRS) is a survey conducted to collect data on house rent and related charges from a fixed sample of dwellings to measure the changes in rents for a fixed standard of accommodation and amenities. The index calculated forms the house rent index which is a part of the Consumer Price Index CPI (IW) with a weightage of 15.27% in the total index. Labour Bureau which compiles the Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers conducts the repeat house rent survey in six monthly intervals which are termed as “rounds”(January to June and July to December). Every month is termed as sub rounds. All the dwellings covered in a sub round are surveyed in the same sub round of every round. For the purpose of the survey, rent along with repair and maintenance charges, service charges like water and taxes are included while electricity charges and sweeper charges are excluded.
The unit of the survey is a dwelling which is classified as rented, self owned and rent free. Rented dwelling is defined as the entire portion of the residential accommodation hired by the family on payment. Rent free dwelling is defined as the entire portion of dwelling occupied by the family which has been provided by the employer without charging any rent. Self owned dwelling means a residential accommodation owned and occupied by the worker. The weightage of the three types of dwelling rented, self owned and rent free in the house rent index are 75.46%, 9.49% and 15.05% respectively.
The housing index is compiled by Chain base method in which changes in rent is compared with the previous period’s rent and not with the base period as in case of other items of index. This method of calculation takes care of depreciation aspect of housing.