Quick Employment Survey
The ' Quick Employment Survey ' is being conducted by Labour Bureau since January 2009 to assess the impact of economic slowdown on employment in India. The economic slowdown which had engulfed the world economy had its implications on the domestic economy. The Indian economy showed signs of deceleration and grew at 7.8% in the first half year of 2008-09 against an average annual rate of growth of 8.6% in the preceding three years. .The Ministry of Labour and Employment took a serious note of the economic slowdown and felt the need to assess the impact of the crisis on employment .The need for collection of employment statistics became imperative and Labour Bureau was entrusted with a work to carry out a quick survey in industries/sector supposed to be badly affected by the slowdown.
The Quick Employment Surveys are quarterly surveys. The first survey was conducted in the month of January, 2009 to study the impact of slowdown on employment during the quarter Oct-Dec, 2008. The survey was conducted in seven important sectors of the economy viz. Textiles, Metals, Automobiles, Gems & Jewellery, Transport, IT/BPO and Mining. The first quarterly survey covered the construction sector .However due to non-cooperation of the sample units and unavailability of reliable data, results could not be compiled and therefore the sector is not being covered in the subsequent quarterly surveys. The second survey was conducted in the month of April 2009 to study the impact on employment during the quarter Jan-March, 2009. In this survey, two additional sectors namely leather and handloom/ power loom were covered whereas mining sector covered during the first survey was excluded. Hence eight sectors are being covered for this survey from then onwards. Ten quarterly surveys have been conducted so far
The Quick Employment Survey tries to capture changes in level of employment in two categories- Direct and contract covering both manual and nonmanual workers. The trend in exporting and non exporting units is also captured. The reports and the results of the surveys may be viewed at www.labourbureau.gov.in.