Mid-Term Appraisal of Five Year Plans
The time duration for implementing a Five Year Plan as the nomenclature suggests is five years. As the third year of implementation of the plan draws to a close, the process for evaluating three years of implementation of the five-year plan and to recommend corrective measures for the remaining two years of the plan starts. To ascertain the performance meetings are held with the implementing officers at the Central and State level, subject experts are invited to give their views and data on implementation is collected from the States after which the MTA document is finalised. Major mid-course corrections usually does not take place. Minor interventions that come to the notice of the Central Ministry are addressed then and there. Every Central Ministry holds annual/biannual/quarterly conferences with their State counterparts to ascertain the progress of implementation of the various schemes. These inputs are also made available for preparation of the Mid-Term Appraisal document. The Mid-Term Appraisal document is made available in the public domain after approval by the National Development Council.