Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources (IEBR)
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IEBR is an important part of the Central plan of the Government of India and constitutes the resources raised by the PSUs through profits, loans and equity.
The global economic slowdown has affected the profits of the PSUs and has hampered their resource generation capacities. In 2009-10 the Total Central Plan Outlay was Rs.406, 912 crores. It consisted of the Gross Budget Support (GBS) for the Central Plan to the tune of 218,901 crores (53.8%) and IEBR of Central Public Sector Units (CPSUs) to the tune of 188,011 crores (46.2%). The share of government support for the Central Plan Outlay for 2011-12 continues to be high at 56.6% while the increase in IEBR has been marginal due to the global economic slowdown.